Animal party

Last week I started a new project. After making the wooden cars for my niece I got excited about working with wood. That’s why I designed a series of wooden animals. I started with making a prototype of some of my designs. I will now give a little peak into the first part of this animal party.

Classic design

The start of my classic wooden car set is made. The design is there for two of the classic models, the Fiat 500 (my favorite car) and the Mini Cooper. Now the fun begins, the wood work process. Hopefully have them done bij the end of November when my niece will turn 2 years old.

Project Schier – Last 3 prints

Captured a bit of the feeling, a bit of the island, a bit of myself. After a couple sessions of screen printing I created this set of 5 prints. As tangable reminder of the days spent on Schiermonnikoog, as my homemade souvenir. I am happy with the result.

Project Schier – Part 1

Nowadays we are trying to captivate every single moment either on photo or video. But looking back and reliving a special moment like we did in the old days is hardly ever happening anymore. That is why I decided to not only captivate my last holiday digitally, but also created an analogue photo book and a series of 5 prints called Project Schier. 5 prints to remember the simplicity, being outside, the beach and nature. So far I finished 2 of the 5 prints and soon the rest will come.